How to know the quality of sound bowls

Here’s the background rant for why I created this small video:
I talked to a shop owner recently about sound bowls. She told me she’s very specific about the bowls she sells to her customers and gave me details about why her bowls were special. As somebody who has visited many shops within the United States, India, and Nepal, I feel educated enough on what is quality and what isn’t quality. I also feel pretty aware of what doesn’t feel like truth when being sold sound bowls. Did somebody important really bless these objects or are you passing on a false statement?
I ended up walking out of this shop angry at this situation and angry at this woman. People are being sold on lies. Sound bowls, sound healing, healing, and spirituality are all sacred things that should be based on truth and transparency. When selling an object (or a healing experience) the vendor (or facilitator) should be practicing, expressing, and living their truth. Additionally, when purchasing an object (or a healing experience) the customer should be practicing, expressing, and living their own truth.
In my venture of selling metal sound bowls and other instruments, I take caution to share what is true and to let you experience what is true for you. Hear, feel, and experience the sound bowl. Hear, feel, and experience a sound bath. If it feels like quality and if it resonates as powerful and true to you, then great! If not, that’s ok. I know that what is is meant to be.
So, enjoy this video on how to know the quality of sound bowls. I demonstrate three options here. The two bowls on the right are handcrafted, 7-metal bowls. The bowl on the left is machine crafted. Even taking away all the description that makes one bowl sound fancier than the other, use your own senses to hear the quality differences. Which one do you prefer?