25 Ideas for Self-Care

From time to time, I know that more self-care is needed in my life. Sometimes, I feel too overwhelmed or tired to have a clear idea about an action that will feel nourishing.
Here’s a list of 25 ideas for self-care. Some may seem silly, some may seem more like personal maintenance rather than self-care, and some may take some effort. I’ve divided the list into two– activities that require little effort, and activities that may require additional effort. If you don’t like my list, write out a list of your own! So, when you know that you’re in need of some care, you’ll have some easy options to help you feel a little extra love.
- Take a shower
- Wash Face
- Brush Teeth
- Brush Hair
- Take a walk outside
- Call a friend
- Look at a picture of somebody who makes you smile
- Doodle with crayons
- Watch a comedy show
- Eat something delicious with zero distractions
- Lay on the floor/bed and simply breath
- Reflect on everything you’re grateful for
- Hug yourself (or somebody else)
- Journal your thoughts (free-flow style)
- Take a small trip somewhere different
- Attend a yoga class
- Attend a fitness class (or do it yourself)
- Visit a friend
- Get a pedicure/manicure
- Get a massage
- Receive energy work (reiki, sound healing, yoga, etc)
- Ride a bike
- Sit in the park
- Visit a nature area (beach, park, etc)
- Read a book