Celebration is important for your success

By this point into the new year, you’ve had time to set goals, work towards them, overcome challenges, and accomplish amazing things.
An often overlooked part of life is the celebration process. Celebrating achievements boosts self-confidence, motivates future actions & goals, and offers opportunities to learn what worked during the journey. Celebrating day-to-day things in life–like Fridays, birthdays, anniversaries, family reunions, or friend gatherings– is an opportunity to pause the hardships of life and to enjoy some of the simple positive qualities of life.
I fully encourage you to set, achieve, and celebrate goals. I also fully encourage you to highlight and view the simple parts of life that are functioning effortlessly. We sometimes forget to see the simplicity from a perspective of awe and gratitude. Here’s your permission to celebrate your next regular event with a little extra spunk than normal.